Which financial services are needed for financial inclusion ?

Which financial services are needed for financial inclusion ?

7 July 2020

“A Common Minimum Basket of Basic Financial Services” A new report from Finance Watch

Finance Watch’s new report, “Basic Financial Services”, identifies a shortlist of basic financial products and services that we think should be made available to all citizens to help combat financial and social exclusion.

The number of financial products on the market today is bewildering – digital wallets, online investment products, instant loans etc. the list seems endless. Some of them are useful, some are not, and some are traps for the unwary. At the same time, a significant number of Europeans are finding themselves “financially excluded” because they cannot open a simple bank account, or avaoid drowning in debt, or get the insurance cover they need to live a normal life. Finance Watch’s new report, “A Common Minimum Basket of Basic Financial Services” identifies a shortlist of basic financial products and services that we think should be made available to all citizens to help combat financial and social exclusion.

To read the report click here

Source: Olivier Jerusalmy, Finance Watch