Systems Liberate: Unleashing the Creative Power of Finance

Systems Liberate: Unleashing the Creative Power of Finance

22/06/2022 at 5:00 PM ECT
Location: Virtual
Organiser: SPTF + Cerise, OECD
Event type: Conference

Good systems — ones that reduce guesswork and unnecessary effort — liberate. They free up time, mental energy, and often money so that those resources can be channeled away from an inefficient preoccupation with processes and towards more productive ends. Social- and green-focused investors urgently need decision-making frameworks to deploy their capital for maximum impact. Mission-driven financial service providers need systems to maximize their social performance. We cannot afford for either group to waste energy reinventing the wheel on social performance management. The Universal Standards and the OECD-UNDP Impact Standards are part of a systematic approach that can help unleash the full creativity and energy of both investors and financial service providers in the drive towards the SDGs. Please join us as we present both sets of standards—OECD’s and Cerise+SPTF’s—and demonstrate their powerful complementarity with practical examples from the field. We will also hear from high-level keynote speakers, and leading researchers, on the benefits and challenges around implementation of good impact management and measurement practice. And we will leave plenty of time for audience participation.

(Source: SPTF)