The True Revolution of Microcredit – two meetings with Jean-Michel Servet

The True Revolution of Microcredit – two meetings with Jean-Michel Servet

Last month, organised a pub Meetup for its members with Jean-Michel Servet, Professor at the IHEID Geneva and author of the book The True Revolution of Microcredit (“La vraie révolution du microcrédit”).

This unformal meeting gave the great opportunity to’s members to debate, question and share with Jean-Michel Servet on his last book “La vraie révolution du microcrédit”. A rich moment of exchanges and anecdotes where Mr Servet explained his arguments that states that the revolution of the microcredit does not exist. For him, there is a counter-revolution, the neoliberalism. The real revolution is the one of microfinance which diversifies instruments beyond the microcredit and which handles the money and the finance as common goods.

(To learn more Jean-Michel Servet’s theory, read “10 conditions pour que le microcrédit diminue vraiment la pauvreté” – in French)

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The next day, Jean Michel Servet was “Questioning the Role of Microfinance – Beyond the Clichés” with Luc Vandeweerd (ADA) at the 32nd Midi de la Microfinance et de l’Inclusion Financière organised by ADA and

Midi  Midi2
For those who could not come, catch it up by watching the video of the event, or read its press release