in 2018 in 2018

30 members sharing their willingness to promote access for all to good quality, affordable and responsible financial services Publication “Inclusive Finance: Looking to the Future. A perspective from Luxembourg”
14 events organised on inclusive finance topics
Workshops and webinar for members with renowned experts in SME Finance in 2018
Dissemination of knowledge and good practices with specific roadshows on Inclusive finance and thanks to over 1300 social networks followers and over 500 subscribers to the monthly newsletter
3 grantees to attend high level executive programs in inclusive finance at the Boulder Microfinance Institute, Oxford University and Harvard Business School
Consolidation of Luxembourg’s position as a center of excellence in the field of inclusive finance by participating in 21 international and national inclusive finance events
Co-organisation of the 9th European Microfinance Award “Inclusive Finance through Technologies”

And for 2019, more activities and challenges to come:

  • 5 years Anniversary

  • New scholarships available for members;

  • New trainings and presentations available with experts;

  • 10th European Microfinance Award on Climate Change Resilience.