at the European Development Days at the European Development Days attended the European Development Days (EDD), a two-day forum where actors of the development and cooperation sector share their ideas and experiences.
For its 13th edition, the EDD 2019 “Addressing inequalities: Building a world which leaves no one behind” aimed to bring together the European Union’s commitment to address inequalities with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


The stands of international actors and projects including, among others, several’s members, demonstrated the benefits of the EU’s international cooperation. Panels and discussions offered the opportunity for the development community to share innovative projects, research initiatives, knowledge and lessons learnt and showcase achievements such as the DEVCO Academy or the EU Blending Facilities.


Blending is implemented via 4 types of support:

    1. Grants for direct investment and interest rate subsidy
    2. Technical assistance
    3. Risk capital to help mobilise additional financing
    4. Guarantee mechanisms to reduce risk and improve access to finance.