Online Data on Financial Inclusion: the MAP Approach

Online Data on Financial Inclusion: the MAP Approach

The Making Access Possible (MAP) diagnostic approach – a result of the programme’s unique analytical framework – developped throuhg UNCDF (United Nations Capital Development Fund) looks to build a picture of market demand based on household and individual income, economic activity, and current usage of financial services within a diverse array of countries and local contexts. In this way, the MAP programme hopes to achieve the following objectives:

  • Encourage providers of financial services to deliver products and services to those segments of the population that are currently underserved; and
  • Enable policymakers and regulators to understand current policies and regulations that are inhibiting market growth and to develop a strategic vision on financial inclusion and the possible delivery modalities

To consult the data of countries in ASEAN, SADC and West Africa regions click here

The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is the UN’s capital investment agency for the world’s 48 Least Developed Countries (LDCs). UNCDF uses its capital mandate to help LDCs pursue inclusive growth.

Source: UNCDF